hello my dear i am so glad to get your wonderful ad honest reply, good evening here i am getting ready for work , ,how is your day at work, i am confidently believe u are honest nice woman to be with ad i promise our meeting here is for real ad i know soon our dream will come trough my dear. but please do take care of your self.the most important things for tow friendship is honest ,trust ,believe,ad understanding if we have this sure every thing will be fine for both of us.i must sleep now but i really move with your reply thanks my dear u will have me as u wish but please most u will be your self ad followed your heart don,t listen what people are saying i know there is many bad people but still have many good people i believe we both are good people for that our meeting here will be the great things to happen in our life,please my dear we may not have time to chat always but i promise to give u message every time u reply or message i will try make u happy always that my promise ad keep my words so shall it be ,have a great day yours mark tony, GB U are well come dear good afternoon from London , i am so glad u have time to tell me all about yr self thanks,as u can see i am Mr mark tony from Netherlands live ad working here in London Sutton as a contractor ad Investor here in London over 15 years, i am a widower my wife pass away last 3 years by car accident, she left with me a girl of 7 years her name is Linda,she live with my mother in Netherlands while i am here in London,i visit her every 3 months,i came to this site through an eye witness of my 3 friends here in London who married from other country ,they are really true lovers not after money,they wife loves them all live together in peace whenever i see them i feel worried of my past life with a London woman here,now i make up my mind to find honest ad sincere woman that will love me from her heart, hope u will be the one if it the will of god permit ,let build this friendship ad see where it will bring us to,what i need is honest from u ,do u have any friends or chat mate from London or any other country who is so serious wit u?how long u been in that country,how many are yr family,is yr parents still alive,what is yr responsibility that u must do for yr family always,ad more what date is most special in yr life ,what do u like to eat or where do u like to spend yr free time, do u like drinking smoke or clubbing?what is yr favorite foods finally what is yr hobbies?for me my favorite food is pasta ad red wine,i like hanging around with my old friends ad work conic..we are 2 in my family my only sister married to British man,my late father wood was engineer he did work in Singapore with Petronas oil i was there 1998,my birthday will be every 4th of march. here i stop my dear till i till i get yr reply, from all this question i ask please kindly reply it one by one be honest ad let us make this a new world.cheers yours mark tony have a great night
hello my dear i am so glad to get your wonderful ad honest reply, good evening here i am getting ready for work , ,how is your day at work, i am confidently believe u are honest nice woman to be with ad i promise our meeting here is for real ad i know soon our dream will come trough my dear. but please do take care of your self.the most important things for tow friendship is honest ,trust ,believe,ad understanding if we have this sure every thing will be fine for both of us.i must sleep now but i really move with your reply thanks my dear u will have me as u wish but please most u will be your self ad followed your heart don,t listen what people are saying i know there is many bad people but still have many good people i believe we both are good people for that our meeting here will be the great things to happen in our life,please my dear we may not have time to chat always but i promise to give u message every time u reply or message i will try make u happy always that my promise ad keep my words so shall it be ,have a great day yours mark tony, GB U are well come dear good afternoon from London , i am so glad u have time to tell me all about yr self thanks,as u can see i am Mr mark tony from Netherlands live ad working here in London Sutton as a contractor ad Investor here in London over 15 years, i am a widower my wife pass away last 3 years by car accident, she left with me a girl of 7 years her name is Linda,she live with my mother in Netherlands while i am here in London,i visit her every 3 months,i came to this site through an eye witness of my 3 friends here in London who married from other country ,they are really true lovers not after money,they wife loves them all live together in peace whenever i see them i feel worried of my past life with a London woman here,now i make up my mind to find honest ad sincere woman that will love me from her heart, hope u will be the one if it the will of god permit ,let build this friendship ad see where it will bring us to,what i need is honest from u ,do u have any friends or chat mate from London or any other country who is so serious wit u?how long u been in that country,how many are yr family,is yr parents still alive,what is yr responsibility that u must do for yr family always,ad more what date is most special in yr life ,what do u like to eat or where do u like to spend yr free time, do u like drinking smoke or clubbing?what is yr favorite foods finally what is yr hobbies?for me my favorite food is pasta ad red wine,i like hanging around with my old friends ad work conic..we are 2 in my family my only sister married to British man,my late father wood was engineer he did work in Singapore with Petronas oil i was there 1998,my birthday will be every 4th of march. here i stop my dear till i till i get yr reply, from all this question i ask please kindly reply it one by one be honest ad let us make this a new world.cheers yours mark tony have a great night
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