How are you doing today and your weekend so far? I hope you are having a wonderful weekend out there? I am very much pleased that you received my mail and at the same time replied to me. I now have the assurance my delivering to you. It is really a wonderful thing to meet someone with a humble and sincere heart and also having the intention to create an atmosphere that could be long last with happiness. I am a passionate man with broad heart of love, understanding and willing to make this a positive outcome. I am not here to make friends or to have fun with you but for something which in time to come we will rejoice together. All that am implying here is that, I am looking forward to being serious in knowing each other, being determined to each other so that in a long run reaching our heart desires over each other. I hope you could be serious as well so that we do not have to waste each other time? Your honesty will be highly appreciated in everything we do and communicate as we progress because with that we could reach our expectations.
Less I forgot, it’s high time I should fully introduce to you about myself. My name Kelvin Williams, you are free to address me with either of names that please you. I live and work here in Aberdeen Scotland, you must have heard about Scotland right? I have lived here for some couple years now, working as a structural engineer. I deal with structures be it building, architectural designs and also highways construction. I work on a consulting base under a company here. It is hard to say that I am still single at my age but that is the honest truth, I'm single and not married yet. I was in a relationship before, which lasted for years and with the hope to get married then it resulted to heart break that made me to be very afraid to engage myself into a relationship again but at a point in time, I took the courage to rekindle my love life once again to see if I could meet the woman after my heart and that's why I am with you right now. I believed that my long waited time is finally here by meeting you and I hope for us to make it a wonderful one if we could whole heartily give each other a chance to build and progress in this relationship we are about to start. I believed that meeting you here is not by accident and there is a reason for everything to occur in life. The start maybe difficult but it depends on our mindset and seriousness to make it a worthwhile. I am saying in the sense that we need commitment if we truly wanted to see a positive outcome in this relationship. I am very serious and this is my first time communicating with someone through this medium. I must have bored you with my lengthy mail; I should stop here for now till next I write to you. Do write to me more about yourself too so as to be acquainted with who you are.
In addition to my introduction, I originated from Switzerland and my mother and my younger sister lives back home there in Switzerland lives back home. My father had passed on many years back. I had no kid from my previous marriage.
My pictures were attached in this mail for your viewing, hope you will like them? Please, do not forget to send me your pictures next time you write. Have a lovely weekend and nice meeting you.