Advanced English con
Making a Query
Those numbers can be tricky.
Do you want some help?
For me?
Ralis and percentages cause nothing but headaches and confusion.
It’s tough, but I’ve done this a few times before.
If you like, you can double check all of my calculations.
Well, Okay, I’d better take a look cause I don’t want any mistakes and waste time on this.
Plus, I want is have a better Understanding of all the costs involued.
Okay though,
Take a look at what I have.
If you have any Questions or comments, please feel free to ask.
Hey James, I have a questions for you.
You’re entered the legal charges under the fixed cost heading.
Oh, Yes, so I have.
Are you sure that’s correct?
Shouldn’t that be a variable cost?
Technically Speaking,
yes, It should be a Variable cost.
Would you like to explain it to me?
You may not agree.
Well, I don’t care.
I want you to explain it, this is important.
Okay. By entering Certain charges as fixed costs as opposed to variable costs then we can make a bigger deduction on our income tax for next year.
Wait a
Is this legal?
Strictly Speaking. no.
This is not legal.
What!? Should I remind you we are business men, and not politicians. we should be doing everything by the book.
Well, we’re not actually breaking and laws.
All I did was just follow common accounting practices.
Cause, Everybody does it this way.
I’m not sure I live the sound of this.