Another organization, Christian Care Foundation for Children with Disabilities (CCD) has also provided positive feedback as a result of the training that the OCP has given. A case was raised three years due to suspicion of physical abuse taking place. The OCP team was informed and requested to a meeting with the organization’s director. As a result of further engagement, there has been significant progress in making sure that their staff were familiar and understood the organization’s child protection policies. Most recently, the team was invited back to CCD to assess them with respect to child protection issues. The OCP team was surprised that around 60% were new and were not given training or orientation with respect to their policies, and those that had received training, it was clear there was a degree of unfamiliarity with the procedures and expectations. The OCP were able to provide further training and were encouraged to see that, in this case, the organization itself had initiated contact with the OCP for assessment and that the staff were willing to listen and keen to work towards the outcomes of what their
policies expected.