Quality pies can be produced using the three methods described above, however, each of the known prior art methods described above have various shortcomings. For example, the first method requires a very expensive starch. In addition, the process of applying the dry ingredients to the fruit can produce a process bottleneck in the manufacturing line. Due to the nature of handling (weighing and depositing) dry materials with unique flow properties, substantial capital investment is required in order to significantly speed up this first existing method. The second method described above is labor intensive and slow. Additionally, the time required to facilitate the mixing process and the mixing itself create a strong potential for the fruit to thaw before the filled pies can be conveyed into a freezer. Thawed fruit at this stage can create a serious quality problem. The third method requires the actual cooking of the fruit. As discussed, the cooking of the fruit decreases the quality of the pie by creating a flat top crust. The final presentation and appearance of the frozen fruit filled pie is an important feature of a quality product.