The companies and state officials that promote the biotechnology often say that GMOs will bring major benefits to farmers in Thailand they say that they GMOs can be grown in saline and poor soil and resist drought.
Agriculture minister somsak has defended GMOs on many television programmes and in parliament , where he said that Thailand can be a great power in Agriculture if experiment with GMOs and other countries do not, on the other hand , he said, if other countries do it and Thailand dose not, we will be at a disadvantage
DR.Sakarindr Bhumiratana the dircctor of the national centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology . who has also recently appeared on many forums , defended experiment in Thailand in his testimony by saying that there are many countries which have already been engaging in GMO research he downplyed fears of genc iumping phenomenon in which genes introduced into GM crops turn up in the genomes of ofher plants growing nearly . he said the controversial papaya field trial was agreed, saying that the fields are well fenced and there are security guards to protect the fields. This was of course , before had occurred.
On a televised debate in which DR. Sakarindr participared, Democrat party MP khuning DR. kallaya Sophonpanich
Questioultural whether barbed station in khonkaen would protect them from GMOs papaya pollen drifting to nearby fields