Sabatine and Cannon (2011) report that chest pain
associated with oesophageal disorders can be exacerbated
with alcohol consumption, after taking aspirin and/or
after eating a large meal. The patient may complain that
the pain is worse when lying down and is relieved when
sitting up or following the administration of antacids.
The pain may be located retrosternally and, in a similar
manner to ischaemic chest pain, may radiate to the
neck, jaw and arms. According to Hall and Simpson
(2009), this form of chest pain can be relieved by
short-acting nitrates, such as glyceryl trinitrate. Unlike
ischaemic chest pain, oesophageal pain is not brought on
by exertion. This information can be gleaned during
history taking.
Sabatine and Cannon (2011) report that chest painassociated with oesophageal disorders can be exacerbatedwith alcohol consumption, after taking aspirin and/orafter eating a large meal. The patient may complain thatthe pain is worse when lying down and is relieved whensitting up or following the administration of antacids.The pain may be located retrosternally and, in a similarmanner to ischaemic chest pain, may radiate to theneck, jaw and arms. According to Hall and Simpson(2009), this form of chest pain can be relieved byshort-acting nitrates, such as glyceryl trinitrate. Unlikeischaemic chest pain, oesophageal pain is not brought onby exertion. This information can be gleaned duringhistory taking.
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