Prolonged night shift is associated with high burnout rate, but the physiological effects of a 16 h
shift remain undetermined. Here we evaluated fatigue and stress via salivary assays to determine
the correlation between stress and fatigue and prolonged night shifts. Twenty-five nurses (9 men,
16 women; 16 h night shift (n = 13), 8 h day shift (n = 12)) from Juntendo University Koshigaya
Hospital were evaluated for four consecutive workdays separated by off days. Salivary samples
were collected upon waking and before sleep on non-working days, before and after the day and
night shifts, and before and after the break during the nocturnal schedule, and analyzed for levels
of cortisol, chromogranin A, α-amylase activity and secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA). On nonworking
days, cortisol levels showed similar kinetic pattern in both nurses. On working days, daytime
nurses’ cortisol levels showed normal circadian pattern throughout the shift. Night nurses’
cortisol levels at the beginning of the shift were comparable to that of the normal morning elevation.
α-Amylase activity in the night shift nurses was higher than day shift nurses through each period.
No significant differences in chromogranin A and sIgA levels were detected between day and
night shift workers. A 16 h night shift may cause marked circadian misalignment in cortisol levels.
Prolonged night shift is associated with high burnout rate, but the physiological effects of a 16 hshift remain undetermined. Here we evaluated fatigue and stress via salivary assays to determinethe correlation between stress and fatigue and prolonged night shifts. Twenty-five nurses (9 men,16 women; 16 h night shift (n = 13), 8 h day shift (n = 12)) from Juntendo University KoshigayaHospital were evaluated for four consecutive workdays separated by off days. Salivary sampleswere collected upon waking and before sleep on non-working days, before and after the day andnight shifts, and before and after the break during the nocturnal schedule, and analyzed for levelsof cortisol, chromogranin A, α-amylase activity and secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA). On nonworkingdays, cortisol levels showed similar kinetic pattern in both nurses. On working days, daytimenurses’ cortisol levels showed normal circadian pattern throughout the shift. Night nurses’cortisol levels at the beginning of the shift were comparable to that of the normal morning elevation.α-Amylase activity in the night shift nurses was higher than day shift nurses through each period.No significant differences in chromogranin A and sIgA levels were detected between day andnight shift workers. A 16 h night shift may cause marked circadian misalignment in cortisol levels.
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