The project will also reconstruct the storm sewer network, replace traffic signals, replace street lighting,
and install other streetscape elements. The project is intended to improve the entire length of Robert
Street in West St. Paul in four categories:
Milling/overlay of the existing bituminous pavement surface
Replacement of broken/deteriorated concrete curb sections
Storm sewer upgrading/replacement
Improvements to public utilities (sanitary sewer and water mains) as needed.
Adding a raised median down the existing center turn‐lane
Providing additional capacity in each direction on the north end of Robert Street between Butler
and Annapolis
Intersection improvements including widening radii, signal upgrades, additional dedicated turn
lanes to Robert Street from select side streets
Consolidation of driveways where appropriate.
Replacing the existing street lights with a more efficient and aesthetic light system
Adding a "green element" along Robert Street through the use of boulevard trees and
landscaping elements within the corridor.
Ensuring the design can accommodate possible future street car lines or bus rapid transit within
the outer travel lane.