We are in mystery towards your silent and ignorance of payment update. Your commitment during our face-to-face meeting conclude as follow
1. All the payment as listed Item 1., you were conducted to use as your personal issue, all of this will be settle by using your loan from the bank as its already approve and expected to be able to be withdraw for pay off all the debt with in1-1.5 month. Its now over than one month pass and your final date of commitment will be due July 29, 2016.
2. Billing anything after the first portion will be presume as regular basis and even confirm to expedite the payment to ease the situation of which Whessoe takes normally 2 weeks as their payment process. It now also reflecting that you break the promise and not conform with our agreement. All the billing in Item 2 are now all overdue. The payment you remit on July 4th for 500, 000 baht still unclear of which invoice it was settle. We will now monitor closely with all the reconciliation of all the invoice. We can’t let me blur and mumble as it used to be.
3. Due to the non-quota for Shipment 350, Its subject to paid the duty as advise in Item 3.1. No matter how many mail we send in chasing for the duty payment from your side, We have never received any confirmation from you when it can be settle. The only mail I received was from Francis to proceed as normal. It’s quite absurd , how can you keep me paid off everything whilst all the payment still pending for the past 6 months. If we are not pay the tax upfront, the shipment will be put on hold at the port with all the extra cost, who will responsible for all the cost incur ?
Your silent and run away from the truth will never solves all the problem you created. Please help to finalize and expedite all the payment as promise.