5.4 Image segmentation
This is a segmentation technique. The main motive of the segmentation is to make the image simpler which can be representing very easily and to make image meaningful that will be easy to analyze. Generally ROI (Region of Interest) is very useful for analyze a fingerprint image. It is a subset of an image or a dataset analyze for a particular purpose. When the image area has ineffective ridges and furrows so firstly it made wider and larger in all directions.
There are two regions that describe any fingerprint image; namely the foreground region and the background region. The foreground regions are the regions containing the ridges and valleys. The ridges are the raised and dark regions of a fingerprint image while the valleys are the low and white regions between the ridges. The foreground regions often referred to as the Region of Interest (ROI). The background regions are mostly the outside regions where the noises introduced into the image during enrolment are mostly found