The information system is a typical complex open system.
The system is full of ordered structures formed by a complex
interaction of a large number of units (group element), such as
the Internet which obeys the power-law distribution [1]. The
changes of the ordered structure represent the evolution of the
entire information system. Over the years scientists have tried
to study from different aspects of it. In the study of complex
systems emerge from the low-level to the high-level behavior,
John Holland proposed the complex adaptive system (CAS)
theory [2], and Munnecke raised the complex adaptive
information system (CAIS) concept afterward [3]. Peter Small,
the master of the bionics of information systems once put
forward “Stigmergic information system”, he thought that the
concept of biology and ecology should be used to design the
information system. Although these several Masters in
complex information systems have done some early research,
but there is no unified expression to reflect the evolution and
development of the information system