Ingestion of a portion of 100 g of the organic or conventional fruits analysed partially or completely meets the daily vitamin C requirements of adults and children. The fruits classified as rich in vitamin C for the population groups studied were acerola followed by strawberry. Persimmon was classified as rich in vitamin C for children and as a source of vitamin C for women and men (except for organic persimmon). The consumption of 100 g acerola often exceeds the daily vitamin C requirements of adults and children; for example, 100 g organic acerola meets 5318% and 19,144% of the daily recommendation for adults older than 19 years and for children aged 4–8 years, respectively. Thus, this fruit represents a possible natural supplement in different food products and might be included in dietary programs aimed at risk populations. However, it is important that the daily consumption of acerola does not exceed the tolerable upper intake level of vitamin C for each population group.