What are prevention measures?
Once you have identified the hazards, you need to take prevention measures.
Where possible, avoid horizontal surfaces (such as window ledges, beams, light fittings, etc. ) where dust can accumulate.
Eliminate "hidden" areas where dust can accumulate unnoticed.
Do not use brooms or compressed air hoses to clean surfaces. Only use vacuums approved for dust collection.
Only use a dust collection / dust extraction system that is designed to eliminate or control combustible dust. Using most models of fans typically stirs the dust, adding dust particles into the air and worsening the situation.
Install smooth ceilings and other surfaces (instead of a rough finish) to minimize dust accumulation and to make cleaning easier.
Use an appropriate dust extraction and collection system with the inlet located as close to the dust producing process as possible. Follow required standards and codes when installing these systems. Locate dust collectors outdoors, where possible.
Direct explosion venting away from areas where there may be employees.
Use appropriate electrical and ventilation equipment.
Keep all mechanical and electrical equipment in good repair.
Keep static electricity under control, which includes the bonding and grounding of equipment. Check all bonded and grounded equipment regularly to ensure the bonds are in good condition.
Check equipment that may wear (e.g. , bearings) as they may generate heat and become an ignition source.
Remove open flames, sparks, friction, heat sources, and other sources of ignition.
Select and use intrinsically safe tools or machinery.
Put covers around pipes and cables, or embed pipes and cables in the walls, where possible, to reduce surfaces where dust can accumulate.
Develop and implement a combustible dust inspection and control program which outlines how often inspections will occur and how dust will be controlled.
Develop a hot work permit system for activities such as welding and cutting.
Develop an ignition control program to eliminate or reduce sources of ignition. Keep ignition sources away from dusty areas or use suitable controls.
Educate all employees about combustible dusts, the hazards, and how they can help eliminate the risk of fire and explosions.
Inspect for dust at regular intervals.
Establish a housekeeping program that will remove dust regularly.
Use proper equipment and techniques when cleaning dust. Care must be taken to minimize dust clouds, and only use vacuums approved for dust collection.
Regularly inspect machines, ducts, and ventilation systems for dust. Repair or clean promptly.