Figs. 3 and 4 illustrate that the estimated space-use probabilities from the occupancy models generally fit well with
leopard observations across space. The standard errors of the space-use probabilities (Figs. 3(C), 4(C)) are relatively well
distributed across space, with no obvious visual pattern. The posterior mean of the spatial variance parameter, σ, was
sufficiently different from zero in 2010 and 2011 (90% BCI = 0.003–0.08), indicating that spatial autocorrelation was
significantly contributing to overall variability of the space-use process across the study site in both years. The posterior
mean of the η process (Figs. 3(D), 4(D)) indicates those sampling locations where the covariates underpredict (blue) and
overpredict (red) space use. For example, in 2011,ψ values in the western portion of the study site would be higher based on
the fixed-effects portion of the model. The spatially correlated random effects (η process) in this region indicates theψ values
that needed to be adjusted downward by negative (red) values because they were too high for the observed occupancy.