The importance of recycling
As our world is changing, global warming, as well as more frequent disasters occur by human resource wastage without regarding of the future consequences. The garbage is a big problem that we have to face. For each day of the waste caused by the consumer as a result, the problem of overflowing garbage. It's classified as the unsolvable problem that must be eliminated. Until the concept of handling this problem is to recycle. It has been defined that “Recycling is processing used materials modification. A new product to save resources and energy, and the collection, storage and transportation of materials from the start” (, 2015) Recycling is important for everyone to apply due to these reasons below.
Firstly, Waste recycling is effective in terms of energy consumption. Production of new materials, such as reduced energy consumption in the manufacturing process to reduce the waste of some species can extract energy fuel. The country reduce energy imports on the other.
In addition, Waste recycling protects the environment. Not only is the recycling reused. Wastewater treatment but also reduce emissions of carbon oxide. "Waste recycling reduces pollution because it is not burned and material suppliers that can be used instead of creating a new, more energy efficient." (BRITTANI SPONAUGLE,2014)
Moreover, Recycling will help save space for waste disposal well. "Allocation of landfill space currently used with materials that can be recycled. And landfill today dropped dramatically. And just only part of waste disposal."(benefits-of-recycling, 2014)
It can be seen that there are so many benefits of recycling. As mentioned above. However, It should also be aware of the problem. May be achieved by implanting children to recycle some rest. Maximize the benefits. Therefore, Recycling is the one of the best way. “The impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is important to the natural environment and us. We need to act quickly, while the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time”. (recycling-guide,2014) And Finally, It has a lot of benefits that can help people to protect the environment as well.