Dr. Brandt conducts research on source code re-engineering and automated translation. To carry out his work, he needs access to programs with several million lines of source code. He obtains access from his industrial partners. Upper
management has always been happy to have its source code updated by Dr. Brandt, but the software engineers who maintain the source code have not been so appreciative. Consequently, Dr. Brandt has implemented procedures to minimize the impact of the source changes on the software engineers. First, he involves the software engineers in all of the issues surrounding the project’s schedule and the new source code’s integration into the existing system. He also arranges for the software engineers to receive training in the new source code’s language. Moreover, he insists that management allot the software engineers time to simply explore the new source code. These procedures give the software engineers control over the whole translation process, thus reducing their stress. They also allow
the software engineers to more easily transfer at least some of their expertise (e.g. knowledge of source code/domain relationships) to the new source code.