worldwide costs of dementia are $604 billion, with
70% of the costs occurring in Western Europe and
North America (Alzheimer’s Disease International,
2010). The causes and risk factors for developing
AD are varied and unclear, but it is agreed among
experts that the greatest risk factor is advancing
age, with risk increasing after age 65 (Alzheimer’s
Association, 2010). Importantly, all baby boomers
will be at least 65 years old between 2011 and
2029, consequently increasing the numbers and
prevalence of AD within the population. It has
been predicted that as many as one in 85 people
will be living with AD by 2050, and this does not
include other types of dementia such as vascular
dementia which can occur post-stroke
worldwide costs of dementia are $604 billion, with70% of the costs occurring in Western Europe andNorth America (Alzheimer’s Disease International,2010). The causes and risk factors for developingAD are varied and unclear, but it is agreed amongexperts that the greatest risk factor is advancingage, with risk increasing after age 65 (Alzheimer’sAssociation, 2010). Importantly, all baby boomerswill be at least 65 years old between 2011 and2029, consequently increasing the numbers andprevalence of AD within the population. It hasbeen predicted that as many as one in 85 peoplewill be living with AD by 2050, and this does notinclude other types of dementia such as vasculardementia which can occur post-stroke
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