Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is
considered by far the most comprehensive and well-known
model for Software Process Improvement (SPI). The cost of
having CMMI appraisal, including effort, time, and money is
almost certainly out of reach for most very-small-sized, smallsized,
and medium-sized software companies in Thailand. Thus
most of them resort to the less expensive and locally invented
standard in hope that they could improve their software
processes and still stay competitive financially. However, to
compete successfully in a long run, they need to formally
implement and institutionalize SPI, using the more well-known
and mature model such as CMMI. As more and more
multinational companies outsource to Asia Pacific region, it
even becomes imperative for the software companies to deliver
high quality products in time and within budget to demanding
customers. Due to the aforementioned needs, Software
Industry Promotion Agency (SIPA), one of the leading
government’s arms that promote, support, and steer a software
industry in Thailand, funded us in 2008 to thoroughly and
formally investigate a status of the Thai software industry with
respect to SPI, specifically the impact of adopting CMMI on
the Thai software industry. The obtained results would then be
used to form both near-term and long-term macro strategies,
which would help lay down directions and push burgeoning
Thai software companies to become competent players in a
global software market.
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) isconsidered by far the most comprehensive and well-knownmodel for Software Process Improvement (SPI). The cost ofhaving CMMI appraisal, including effort, time, and money isalmost certainly out of reach for most very-small-sized, smallsized,and medium-sized software companies in Thailand. Thusmost of them resort to the less expensive and locally inventedstandard in hope that they could improve their softwareprocesses and still stay competitive financially. However, tocompete successfully in a long run, they need to formallyimplement and institutionalize SPI, using the more well-knownand mature model such as CMMI. As more and moremultinational companies outsource to Asia Pacific region, iteven becomes imperative for the software companies to deliverhigh quality products in time and within budget to demandingcustomers. Due to the aforementioned needs, SoftwareIndustry Promotion Agency (SIPA), one of the leadinggovernment’s arms that promote, support, and steer a softwareindustry in Thailand, funded us in 2008 to thoroughly andformally investigate a status of the Thai software industry withrespect to SPI, specifically the impact of adopting CMMI onthe Thai software industry. The obtained results would then beused to form both near-term and long-term macro strategies,which would help lay down directions and push burgeoningThai software companies to become competent players in aglobal software market.
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