Component 1: Improving the Access and Educational Experience of Vulnerable and Disadvantaged
Students. Sub-component 1.1 Expanding Access to Early Childhood Care and Development will
increase access to early childhood education, nutrition, and care for disadvantaged 3-5 years olds
throughout the country by improving current services to meet service standards and expanding
new services with standards. Sub-component 1.2 Increasing Access to Basic Education Services
will increase access to basic education services in rural and remote areas, including for
disadvantaged children and children with disabilities.
Component 2: Benchmarking Student Competencies. Sub-component 2.1 Nationalizing Early
Grade Reading and Mathematics Assessments (EGRA and EGMA) will finance the development
and provision of textbooks for these assessments, as well as training to school administrators and
teachers in preparation for the nationwide administration of the assessment tests. Subcomponent
2.2 Supporting National Assessment will provide technical supports to National
Assessment Office in conducting assessments, support for MoEYS to conduct annual review of
Component 3: Improving Cambodia’s Teaching Force. Sub-component 3.1 Improving Pedagogical
Training will support Regional and Provincial Teacher Training Colleges throughout the country.
Sub-component 3.2 Strengthening School Leadership will support the improvement of academic
leadership of school principals.
Component 4: Sector and Grant Management and Monitoring and Evaluation. This component
includes Sub-component 4.1 Strengthening System Management and Sub-component 4.2 Project
management and Monitoring and Evaluation.