The collected data were processed to allow description of coherent environmental qualities that are intended to be useful in design processes. The number of qualities and their descriptions were carefully considered so as to achieve a diverse but still workable tool. The theoretical principles were used as a guide to place the environmental qualities in a larger context, the aim being to achieve design solutions of a general character that facilitate healing processes, as advocated by Cooper Marcus and Barnes (1999b) and Tenngart Ivarsson (2011). The theoretical principles were also used to determine the basic order of qualities listed in the QET. In addition to this, empirical studies reported by Grahn et al. (2010) determined the order of certain qualities (i.e., the earlier-mentioned nature dimensions). Each quality was labeled with one umbrella term, sometimes originating from different sources. The qualities are presented with references to their sources. Each quality is exemplified with at least one photo. The next step of the practical construction of the QET will be to clarify the disposition of the environmental qualities in relation to the different steps in the design process. A first preliminary outline describing the overall principles of this disposition is presented in Table 1.