Despite outdated concerns regarding the safety or effectiveness
of youth resistance training, scientific evidence and
clinical impressions indicate that youth resistance training has
the potential to offer observable health and fitness value to
children and adolescents, provided that appropriate training
guidelines are followed and qualified instruction is available.
In addition to performance-related benefits, the effects of
resistance training on selected health-related measures
including bone health, body composition, and sports injury
reduction should be recognized by teachers, coaches, parents,
and health care providers. These health benefits can be safely
obtained by most children and adolescents when prescribed
age-appropriate resistance training guidelines.
We now have the information to support the consideration
of incorporating resistance training into a health-oriented
approach to lifelong physical activity. Important future
research goals should be to elucidate the mechanisms
responsible for the health-related benefits associated with
youth resistance exercise, to establish the combination of
program variables that may optimize long-term training
adaptations and exercise adherence in children and adolescents,
and to explore the potential benefits of resistance
training on youth with various medical conditions including
Despite outdated concerns regarding the safety or effectivenessof youth resistance training, scientific evidence andclinical impressions indicate that youth resistance training hasthe potential to offer observable health and fitness value tochildren and adolescents, provided that appropriate trainingguidelines are followed and qualified instruction is available.In addition to performance-related benefits, the effects ofresistance training on selected health-related measuresincluding bone health, body composition, and sports injuryreduction should be recognized by teachers, coaches, parents,and health care providers. These health benefits can be safelyobtained by most children and adolescents when prescribedage-appropriate resistance training guidelines.We now have the information to support the considerationof incorporating resistance training into a health-orientedapproach to lifelong physical activity. Important futureresearch goals should be to elucidate the mechanismsresponsible for the health-related benefits associated withyouth resistance exercise, to establish the combination ofprogram variables that may optimize long-term trainingadaptations and exercise adherence in children and adolescents,and to explore the potential benefits of resistancetraining on youth with various medical conditions including
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