In goal-oriented requirements engineering (GORE), one
usually proceeds from a goal analysis to a requirements
specification, usually of IT systems. In contrast, we consider
the use of GORE for the design of IT-enabled value constellations,
which are collections of enterprises that jointly
satisfy a consumer need using information technology. Designing
the constellation amounts to designing the architecture
of IT, business processes, and coordination processes
across the cooperating companies. The requirements analysis
needed to do such a cross-organizational design not
only consists of a cross-organizational goal analysis, in
which the relevant goals of the participating companies are
aligned, but also of a value analysis, in which the commercial
sustainability of the constellation is investigated.
In this paper we investigate the relation between crossorganizational
GORE and value modeling. We use theories
about business strategy such as those by Porter to identify
strategic goals of a value web, and operationalize these
goals using value models. We show how value modeling allows
us to find more detailed goals, and to analyze conflicts
among goals.