predicting the staff’s management (career evolution, permutations, leaves, necessary instructions etc.); predicting the expenses for establishing predicting budgets; predicting and applying an operational technical documentation (the technical files categorized on types of equipments, technical files categorized on devices, logical repair schemes etc.). methods of predictive maintenance; work’s planning; replacements’ predictive management
On the other hand, we must develop the means of control in order to analyze the obtained results, to correct and improve the correspondent previsions: equipment’s history in order to supervise and control the operation of equipment; the analysis of the costs and failures through the operations of selection, efforts’ focusing, previsions and acting on the “blind spots or the most expensiveparts” (meaning, on the equipment’s weaknesses); the dashboard to control different aspects of maintenance etc.
d. Increasing the rapidity of the intervention.
Irrespective of the prediction’s quality, there will always be unpredictable situations in the maintenance’s domain. It can be said that a maintenance activity without unforeseen situations is, by definition, a highly expensive maintenance. The intervention’s rapidity can be measured acting on:
- the means of communication and informing; the staff’s quality; the coordination of various specialists (a structural problem); the technical documentation, in order to be operational; material stock’s management, like: transport means, maintenance tools etc. An important issue that must be held in mind is the issue of the couple “maintenancesecurity”, from the initial stage of equipment’s design, in order to facilitate the access and guarantee a greater security of the staff and of the equipment.
e. The developing and the facilitation of the relationship productionmaintenance and transferring some
maintenance operations towards production. The manner in which the maintenance activity is organized mut allow an improvement of these connections, which are primordial. The urgent matters will be the object of direct relationships between the executors, and the issues of improvements and modifications will be the object of
profitability studies and of relationship between the persons who are responsible and the management. The maintenance compartment must participate at writing the orders of equipment’s introduction, supervising and liquidation, it should be informed over the production programs and consulted on these programs’ modifications
in order to give the okay and to take the eventual necessary measures in the maintenance’s domain. A mixed team will establish the “productionmaintenance”, the list of banal maintenance operations that are the exclusive task of the
production or exploit operators and the ones who need the services of a maintenance person. This process of operation transfer towards the production has as objective the costs’ reduction and determines the production staff to closely supervise the equipment. In the same time, through the fact that production offers the necessary assistance,
when a maintenance agent must be accompanied (out of security reasons, or out of reasons that are inherent to the
intervention executed), his being accompanied by another person must be avoided. In the same time, it’s noticed that
for the handling and supervising of the automatic equipments, which are provided with tele-surveillance and functioning systems, it’s necessary to hire in production some high trained operators. They can be properly instructed, even from the time in which they are hired, in order to be given all the “first degree” (or level one) maintenance
operations, including emergency repairs and small maintenance operations. This maintenance transfer, named “level one” transfer, towards the production, is facilitated, at modern equipments, by the presence of: