Key words:
senses, practical exercises, examples, cases, trial and error.
This preference uses your experiences and the things that are real even when they are shown in pictures and on screens.
If you have a strong Kinesthetic preference for learning you should use some or all of the following:
To take in the information:
all your senses – sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing …
field trips
field tours
examples of principles
lecturers who give real-life examples
hands-on approaches (computing)
trial and error
collections of rock types, plants, shells, grasses…
exhibits, samples, photographs…
recipes – solutions to problems, previous exam papers
SWOT – Study without tears
To make a learnable package:
Convert your “notes” into a learnable package by reducing them (3:1)
Your lecture notes may be poor because the topics were not ‘concrete’ or ‘relevant’.
You will remember the “real” things that happened.
Put plenty of examples into your summary. Use case studies and applications to help with principles and abstract concepts.
Talk about your notes with another “K” person.
Use pictures and photographs that illustrate an idea.
Go back to the laboratory or your lab manual.
Recall the experiments, field trip…
To perform well in any test, assignment or examination:
Write practice answers, paragraphs…
Role play the exam situation in your own room.
You want to experience the exam so that you can understand it.
The ideas on this page are only valuable if they sound practical, real, and relevant to you.
You need to do things to understand.