My name is Natnicha.
My surname is Chomdee.
My nickname is Mook.
I am 16 years.
My Birthday is 14 Febuary 2540.
My domicile is Bangkok.
I am studying in Mathayomsuksa 5 Departments Art Chinese Language Howung School.
My height is 155 cm.
My weight is 40 kg.
My favorite colors are white and azure.
My favorite food is foods with cheese like pizza, cheeseburger and soft-boiled egg.
My favorite singers are Beyonce, Da Endorphine, Palmy and Stamp Apiwat.
My favorite actress is Kik Mayurin.
My favorite music genres are R&B and Hip Hop.
My favorite The star artists are Kangsom The star 8 and Tum The star 9.
Reasons to join The star : Because the track since childhood and wants up the stage show let people see.
My talents are singing, beating and music playing.
My hobby is brass bands rehearsal genre Pitched Percussion.
My traits are easy laughs, garrulous, funny and consider seriously but will not say in what I thought.
Good things happen in life: The last 8 persons in The star 10.
Experience before the contest The star 10: Apprentices singer in JYP 2 months.