Every country and stock exchange market have unique determinants specific to them.
Therefore, for the same considered variables, they may have different responses. According to
Fama (1990) and Binswanger (2000), Stock markets are mainly affected by the surrounding
economy and useful to predict future economic conditions. Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) argues
that market risk is the key influencing factor of the equity prices. MPT asserts that an efficient set
of portfolios can be constructed in order to offer the maximum possible expected return for a given
level of risk (Markowitz, 1952). Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965) and Black (1972) presented the
capital asset pricing model as an extension of this theory by arguing that market risk cannot be
diversified away, therefore it is the only risk in the pricing of a financial asset. However, Ross‟
(1976) arbitrage pricing theory (APT) becomes popular in developing multifactor models to explain
stock returns. The APT is assumed to work only under perfectly competitive market.