Hello, dear friend, to be met or not met my fate depends on you. You may not be impressed. Or maybe I was not impressed the first time we met, it is possible. You do not have to anticipate it. I was, too. To hope is not found in what might disappoint you. I was not expecting. Because I've been disappointed with it. When we were not expecting. We were not disappointed. Then our lives will be carried out normally. We were not disappointed. I am saying because I see the attitude you would expect to find me. I do not want anyone to find me first and then be disappointed. Because I'm not a beautiful woman. I'm very normal. I was not dummies weighing 60 kg, 158 cm tall just. I think I'm too fat for their height as this. I did not work much. Be diligent, ramble, sometimes depending on my mood. Thailand is the mood that I am an art award. But rather than biting words. And I do not care. I do not want you to expect the first time I found it. Unless you get it. That just makes me grateful. You advance at all. ^^