MBA Introduction
The MBA at Lincoln University is a professional degree. It is designed to develop broad managerial competence to enable graduates to cope with a wide variety of business situations appropriate to their diverse backgrounds. The Lincoln University MBA program upholds a strong international focus. In order to fulfill the overall mission, emphasis is placed throughout the program on the development of the individual through the concentration on basic disciplines and skills as well as specific subject areas. The following objectives have been identified and judged appropriate:
use of analytical tools from the quantitative and behavioral sciences;
coverage of the basic functional areas of business with stress on their inter-relationships;
the building of flexible adaptability to changing environments;
the development of the student's ability to evaluate social, political, and economic values;
advancement of skills in group cooperation and decision-making;
development of communication skills;
development of a sense of professional responsibility;
the multinational aspects as related to all the subject areas.
The MBA is designed for those who have the motivation to pursue graduate-level work in business administration, regardless of the areas of their previous studies. The required courses are limited to the traditional "foundation" and "core" areas in order to permit students the widest possible electives choice to tailor the program to individual needs. This approach is consistent with the previously stated educational objectives. The availability of a representative selection of courses in related areas of computer science, economics, social science and humanities extends the opportunities for matching the curriculum with individual background and interests.