During the Bronze Age of comic books, Mongul was written as physically more powerful than Superman and as almost totally invulnerable to harm.[5][6] While the character was defeated only by Superman foiling his schemes, the hero managed once to defeat Mongul in hand-to-hand combat, although fell unconscious immediately after that.[6] In addition, Mongul demonstrated the ability to teleport;[5] limited telepathy;[6] and could project blasts of potent force via his eyes [4] or hands.[5] The character also used technology to shrink his enemies and place them in dimensional-inversion cubes, designed to prevent escape by warping their interior reality and absorbing any power used against them from within.[6]
The Modern Age version of Mongul started off with less power than Mongul I. But then he demonstrated strength not realized earlier by defeating DC Universe heavy-hitters like Wonder Woman (Infinite Crisis issue 1, December 2005), along with killing members of the Sinestro Corps in his pursuit of power rings. When acquiring his first Yellow Lantern ring he decided to learn about its potential for 96 hours, hinting at a methodical mindset mostly absent from Yellow Lanterns. Mongul II also battled Superman, leading to his defeat after both delivered many blows leading to Superman unleashing a massive combination attack required to overpower this villain (Superman #152, January 2000). This battle displayed an endurance to massive blows from a being as powerful as Superman.