In developing the competency standards reference is made to the Competency Standards
Framework promulgated by the National Training Board in Australia. T้้his Framework
uses a particular language to refer to job performance.
Fields of practice for an occupation are delineated in terms of work roles or functions.
Units of Competency refers to tbe set of tasks whose performance is both necessary and
sufficient to meet the functional requirements of a field of practice; Elements of Competency
is used to refer to coherent and sensible clusters of sub-tasks whose performance is necessary
and sufficient to meet the requirements of particular Units of Competency; Performance
Criteria refers to aspects of professional performance that are indicative of whether an
Element of Competency was performed competently or not; Range Indicators are statements
of circumstances in which Performance Criteria apply; Competency Standards are defined for
a functionally delineated field of practice by reference to a combination of Units of
Competency. Elements of Competency. Performance Criteria and Range Indicators.