2 Words as types and words as tokens
How many words are there in the following sentence?
(1) Mary goes to Edinburgh next week, and she intends going to
Washington next month.
If we take as a guide the English spelling convention of placing a space
between each word, the answer seems clearly to be fourteen. But there is
also a sense in which there are fewer than fourteen words in the sentence,
because two of them (the words to and next) are repeated. In this sense,
the third word is the same as the eleventh, and the fifth word is the same
as the thirteenth, so there are only twelve words in the sentence. Let us
say that the third and the eleventh word of the sentence at (1) are distinct
2 Words as types and words as tokensHow many words are there in the following sentence?(1) Mary goes to Edinburgh next week, and she intends going toWashington next month.If we take as a guide the English spelling convention of placing a spacebetween each word, the answer seems clearly to be fourteen. But there isalso a sense in which there are fewer than fourteen words in the sentence,because two of them (the words to and next) are repeated. In this sense,the third word is the same as the eleventh, and the fifth word is the sameas the thirteenth, so there are only twelve words in the sentence. Let ussay that the third and the eleventh word of the sentence at (1) are distinct
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