The surface functional groups of GO and GQDs were character-ized by XPS. GO and GQDs show two apparent peaks centered at285.0 and 532.0 eV which can attribute to C 1s and O 1s, respectively(Fig. 3(a)). In high-resolution XPS C 1s spectra of GO and GQDs, thepresence of C C (∼284.6 eV), C O (hydroxyl and epoxy, ∼286.5 eV),C O (carbonyl, ∼287.8 eV) species were observed (Fig. 3(b)). Mean-while, the C 1s spectrum of GQDs was provided in Fig. 3(c). The sumof C O and C O species in GQDs is lower than that of GO as shownin the XPS spectra, the less oxygen content of GQDs than that of GOindicates that GQDs possess less degree of oxidation than GO, dueto the partial reduction of GQDs.