n most cases, you can treat ringworm of the skin with antifungal creams or ointments. Many are available without a prescription. Use a nonprescription antifungal cream with miconazole or clotrimazole in it. Brand names include Micatin, Mycelex, and Tinactin. Terbinafine cream (Lamisil) is also available without a prescription.
Ringworm is very common. Anyone can get ringworm, but people who have weakened immune systems may be especially at risk for infection and may have problems fighting off a ringworm infection.1 People who use public showers or locker rooms, athletes (particularly those who are involved in contact sports such as wrestling),2-4 people who wear tight shoes and have excessive sweating, and people who have close contact with animals may also be more likely to come in contact with the fungi that cause ringworms