Why do we need voltage stabilizer in vehicle?
In today’s world, most vehicle like cars, trucks, buses, motorbikes and so on, require electricity to work properly. The source of the electric current is comes from alternator.It is vital for engine it to run,and also electrical equipments.
When the current from alternator is measured with digital volt meter, the reading is inconsistent. This is caused by voltage fluctuation. The fluctuated voltage will cause the voltage signal of the sensors and actuators to fluctuate as well, causing the sensors and actuators to receive irregular signals. Thus producing inaccurate signals to car’s ECU and other electrical circuits. When ECU and electrical equipments work less efficiently, it leads to the degradation of car performance.
The main purpose of Voltage Stabilizer is to minimize voltage fluctuation and reduce distortion. The effect of this will be clean signal to and from sensors and actuators. This will allow ECU to work more efficiently with greater precisions. Therefore, accurate signal will allow engine to perform more efficiently too.