Objectives (students will be able to):
1. Describe how ethical behavior is entirely consistent with, and necessary for, good scientific
methodology and reporting;
2. Explain what each of the following is and why they constitute scientific misconduct:
falsification, fabrication, plagiarism;
3. Explain the scientific and ethical justification behind each of the following scientific
a. Keep good notebooks
b. Use statistics appropriately
c. Repeat experiments until you are confident of the result
d. Record and report your work accurately;
4. Explain the difference between hiding negative results and morally permitted omission of an
experiment that doesn’t work;
5. Explain what should be included in the “Methods” section of a paper. Articulate the ethical
justification of why this material needs to be included;
6. Discuss the validity of the assumption that erroneous results will be “caught” through
replication of the data in other laboratories;
7. Explain the importance of adequately citing previous work in the field.