Apply This to Your Life
Overproduction – Do you provide more data or information than is needed? Do you create reports more often than required for example? Or do you spend unnecessary amounts of time formatting these reports?
Waiting – Do you spend too much time waiting for information or data from others, before you can do your work? What can you do about this?
Inventory (work in progress) – Do you have a large stock of materials? Are your supply levels and work-in-process inventory too high?
Transportation – Do things flow efficiently? Could you combine deliveries, or deliver things more quickly?
Overprocessing – Do you needlessly work on something more than once?
Motion – How is work passed along in your team? Do people understand what they're required to do at each step? Do people and equipment move between tasks efficiently?
Defects – How often do you find mistakes? Do you make the same mistakes on a regular basis?
Workforce – Do you use your time wisely? Do you spend most of your time on activities that add value and are a high priority?