Data regarding reasons for breast feeding cessation might explain the findings. Body image was also linked to reasons for stopping breast feeding.Specifically two patterns emerged in the
data. Firstly, concerns about how her body would appear postnatally were linked to stopping breast feeding because of concerns about the impact of breast feeding on her breasts and embarrassment at feeding in front of others.This fits well with previous findings that show these factors to be common reasons for stopping breast feeding(ThulierandMercer,2008; Wambach
and Cohen,2009;Brownetal.,2011a,2011b). If a mother has higher body image concerns it is likely she is more aware of herself in front of others (Grogan, 2007). She may worry that others are
paying her high levels of attention, which may exacerbate anxiety over public feeding. Likewise, women with negative body image are more likely to be self-critical and have lower self-esteem
(Franzoietal.,2012) which may exacerbate how she feels about any postnatal changes to her body. Mothers with eating disorders report higher levels of social anxiety and self awareness
Data regarding reasons for breast feeding cessation might explain the findings. Body image was also linked to reasons for stopping breast feeding.Specifically two patterns emerged in thedata. Firstly, concerns about how her body would appear postnatally were linked to stopping breast feeding because of concerns about the impact of breast feeding on her breasts and embarrassment at feeding in front of others.This fits well with previous findings that show these factors to be common reasons for stopping breast feeding(ThulierandMercer,2008; Wambachand Cohen,2009;Brownetal.,2011a,2011b). If a mother has higher body image concerns it is likely she is more aware of herself in front of others (Grogan, 2007). She may worry that others arepaying her high levels of attention, which may exacerbate anxiety over public feeding. Likewise, women with negative body image are more likely to be self-critical and have lower self-esteem(Franzoietal.,2012) which may exacerbate how she feels about any postnatal changes to her body. Mothers with eating disorders report higher levels of social anxiety and self awareness
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