Mobile "has become part of people in the age of globalization is indispensable. Although the advantages of mobile phones, there are a few. We can communicate to each other all the time. And virtually all locations However, given If you put it in the wrong way or not. It's a new disease-causing several diseases, such as mad about fashion. Not so trendy modern look outdated disease agents accused Zhang's parents money to buy a ball. Others fear the baby face Impatient and impetuous disease Because of the convenience of using a mobile phone. He became a hurry and do not care because I got used to the idea. Or lazy to take the longer
the disease of human relationships. Instead of talking to parents or activities. Eat with relatives, they tend to eat quickly fled the room to a friend. And takes talked for hours longer to become separated from the social world of a disease phones eventually
also make people careless driver to talk to the car crash apart. This mobile has caused outrage. Following the assault, the assailant or snatch theft-prone with
these things. Contemporary is a disease that comes with the phone. We should make judicious use Mobile "provides a useful tool for us both personal and professional learning. Do not make the mobile phone an influence over our minds unconsciously.