The questionnaire uses a 5-point Likert-scale (from1 = hardly ever true to 5 = true most of the time). Concerning construct validity, Rebelo and Gomes (2011) developed four studies focusing on the dimensionality analysis of the OLC. The two first studies consisted of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), using varimax and oblimin rotation, respectively. The third and fourth studies consisted of maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analysis and supported the bidimensional model of the OLC suggested by previous studies, being the final version composed by 20 items aggregated into two dimensions – internal integration (12 items, α = .91) and external adaptation (8 items, α = .83) Sample items of internal integration include: “Leaders encourage the search for solutions by their subordinates” and “We have the habit of sharing information and knowledge”. Sample items of external adaptation are: “We know that if we work to quality standards we will assure organizational success” and “Clients’ complaints are carefully analyzed in order to improve” (Rebelo & Gomes, 2011). Reliability of the OLC questionnaire was tested for the sample of the present study, with a Cronbach’s alpha for internal integration of α = .91 (12 items) and for external adaptation of α = .84 (8 items), values similar to those shown in previous studies with the scale.