If you still wonder WHY I refuse doing what I do in my Country, here are the REASONS WHY.
In these hard times Peace Activists are mostly needed and very essential to force their governments to stop the Bloody conflict and start negotiating a real PEACE. BUT Sadly I tell you that most of the Peace Activists from the Middle East faces countless obstacles which frustrates them to pursue the dream of Peace and make them give up
This is why I refuse to escape or seek asylum and live in Exile away from my Egypt cuz I am Obligated to set an example to my Brothers and sisters of PEACE that what doesnt Kill you makes you stronger.
And Always STAND YOUR GROUNDS no matter what the consequences are, Working for Peace and Coexistence doesnt need any Bravery or Courage, All it needs is that you really BELIEVE that you are doing the Right Thing.
PLZ PLZ Share my message on your Walls and the FB Groups so we can give hope and strength to those who wants Peace but having doubts and fears from the consequences.
Also your comments on the article page is very needed so those good activists can see that there are many people who supports them and their for them
Thank you all and InshaAllah PEACE will prevail