EFL classes with access to the necessary technology can make good use of YouTube and other online video-streaming sites. However, it is important to realize that there are some limitations. First, YouTube is limited to what copyright restrictions allow. If students are determined to focus on certain clips that are not available on YouTube due to copyright infringement laws, then students will have to procure these clips on their own. Secondly, given the vastness of the YouTube library, a certain amount of structuring and guidance from the teacher might be necessary in order to prevent students from spending unproductive hours perusing the site. A third consideration teachers might need to take into account is the nature of much of the material on YouTube. Although the site does not allow nudity, there is a fair
amount of risqué content and provocative language available. Teachers of younger students would be well advised to take this into account.
Finally, certain countries have placed bans on YouTube and other video streaming sites (Toksabay, 2010), meaning that classes in those
countries might have greater difficulty accessing useful online videos.