There are several independent expert bodies in the
field of education and training. The Matriculation Examination
Board is responsible for managing the national
matriculation examination taken at the end of
upper secondary school and for setting and assessing
the tests. Expert bodies in vocational and work-based
training include field-specific National Education and
Training Committees and a National Co-ordination
Group for Education and Training. In addition, there
are separate bodies responsible for the evaluation of
education and training. The Adult Education Council
appointed by the Government for a term of three
years at a time is the advisory body in matters relating
to adult education and training.
The Centre for International Mobility (CIMO), operating
under the auspices of the Ministry of Education,
was established in 1991 to promote international exchanges
in education and training. CIMO co-ordinates
and implements exchange and scholarship programmes
and is responsible for implementing nearly
all of the European Union’s education, training, culture
and youth programmes at the national level.