The basis of air pollution control at Perilya is to control the dust generation at the source. The
following dust suppression methods are employed:
• Water trucks on unsealed roads, haul roads;
• Water spray over ore stockpiles;
• Impact sprinkler systems on tailings dams;
• Street sweeping/vacuum of sealed roads on site;
• Revegetation and mulching of cleared areas;
• Sealing of vehicle standing areas;
• Taking vehicles through wash bays prior to leaving the site;
• A variety of control mechanisms on crushing and conveying infrastructure, including dust
extraction filters, mist sprays an enclosing conveyors to reduce dust emissions at their
• Covering all loads entering and leaving the lease including the concentrate rail wagons;
• Applying Coherex, a dust suppressant, to about 3km of dirt road (Site D) at the Southern
Perilya monitors the ambient air in the surrounds and the community to determine total dust and
total lead levels are within EPA limits. A network of 4 High Volume Air Samplers and 20 dust
deposition gauges are used for monitoring.