Treatment of polluted and groundwater bodies is of special concern
to scientists working in water purification and the impact of
water pollution on the environment [1,2]. In this regard,
water-quality-control standards and regulations against hazardous
pollutants have become stricter in many countries [3]. Research
activity in the area of water purification has attracted a great deal
of attention following social and political pressure on environmental
issues. Advances in science and technology have made available
new chemicals for use in industrial processes. Among these are
synthetic organic dyes, which are classified based on their
chemical structures into different classes (e.g., azo, anthraquinone,
nitro, acridine, triphenylmethane and imine derivatives). Their
general nomenclature and representative examples are shown in
Treatment of polluted and groundwater bodies is of special concernto scientists working in water purification and the impact ofwater pollution on the environment [1,2]. In this regard,water-quality-control standards and regulations against hazardouspollutants have become stricter in many countries [3]. Researchactivity in the area of water purification has attracted a great dealof attention following social and political pressure on environmentalissues. Advances in science and technology have made availablenew chemicals for use in industrial processes. Among these aresynthetic organic dyes, which are classified based on theirchemical structures into different classes (e.g., azo, anthraquinone,nitro, acridine, triphenylmethane and imine derivatives). Theirgeneral nomenclature and representative examples are shown in
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