Table 2 and Figure 1 show the frequency of the class output
which is the final outcome from the dataset. It shows that out
of the total 1728 cars in the dataset, 385(22.28 %) were
acceptable, 70 (4.05 %) were good, 1207 (69.85 %) were
unacceptable, and 66 cars (3.82%) were very good. From the
above we can conclude that more than half of the cars
evaluated were not of acceptable.
The Naive Bayesian algorithm, named after Thomas Bayes
(1702 – 1761) is a learning algorithm as well as a statistical
method for classification. It captures uncertainty in a
principled way by using probabilistic approach. Naive
Bayesian classification provides practical learning algorithms
and prior knowledge and observed data can be combined.
The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm takes data
as input then process and generalizes output using biological
brain patterns of humans or animals. It is designed to learn in
a non linear mapping between input and output data.