Hello, John Ashby!
Alarmists Killed the Project C-7.
Suspension of work of C-7 Limited investment strategy.
Our company has made a commitment to manage the finance of our investors with a high level of awareness of responsibility. Our strategy not only showed a good result but also united the funds from investors and companies under one effective management program. We have been gaining perfect income together. During eight years in total, two of which our strategy was available online to everybody.
However, hardly we had developed a work strategy in the sphere of flexible or as we called it liquid funds, our company faced a number of cruel and unreasonable attacks. As our success doesn’t depend on reputation and public name, it is of no import for us, however, this is important for our investors who own a big share of capital. Many of them have an opportunity to withdraw their funds under the terms and conditions of the agreement and they did it right after the next attack and unreasonable suspicions coming not only to Forums (fore example mmgp.ru, thanks to users KirOV, zombiwolf, roll Out, -Oleg- which blackened the project) but also at Facebook (Revenus PartagesTeam, Parames Temfom and others).
Our strategy is able to work only at the basis of certain conditions, within the certain parameters. As soon as we saw the violation of these conditions, we understood that the meltdown was close and we decided to suspend all operations at once. We cannot fool anybody, we cannot pay the profit gained not from the real business-activity, and just realizing that under such conditions the capital of new investors will be under unevaluated risks we made a painful decision to stop the work of strategy and to concentrate on refunding.
We wanted to help everyone, but the alarmists in recent weeks, was taken from the project of new investors…