- Land degradation, including;
o Soil erosion, where the land collapse and break down cause by choosing wrong farming place, for example, steep slopes or thin soils.
o Overgrazing, when there are too many animals on the farm or for too long or at inappropriate seasons.
o Salinization, where there are too much salts under the ground coming from irrigation water and rain, the water from these two sources contain a small amount of salt and when the water evaporate from the ground which will leave the salt behind and will keep on stacking up causing higher salt concentration which will reduce the rate of osmosis, plants can’t take up water from soil, and can be toxic to most of the cultivated plants.
o Waterlogging, when water underground can’t penetrate through layer of clay so the water will be logged and fill up all the air space so the root will be suffocate from lack of oxygen.