Darling... good evening how are you doing today and your holiday, I hope fine? I really miss you so much and I have been thinking and dreaming about you all the time,and I feel very happy having you in my life, because I wish to share the nice dream which I dream yesterday. I was with you in your room very close to you on your bed, There was cool breeze around us, and the lights were off, Then I came closer to you, my eyes are looking at you, My lips near your face and I said have a good night,Sweetheart, you are the morning dew,You are the honey in the flower, You are the colors present in the nature,You are the best of the best and I found the best wife for my life. and love is what makes me happy It is what keeps me from falling down. It is what everyone’s searching for,To make themselves whole. And now that you’re here, you complete me, because I really love you so much my sweetie, I am looking forward to hear from you, take good care of yourself and have a wonderful dream...