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Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3book
chapter 1: Donald Woods is an editor of the Daily Dispatch, a journal in East London, South Africa. One morning he gets news of a police raid in the black township Crossroads which lies in Cape Town. He also gets photos of the raid and he decides to print them although the government doesn´t allow to print such photos. Woods doesn´t believe the demand of the black people but he is trained as a lawyer and doesn´t like police brutality against black people.
So he also writes an editorial about a Biko, the leadership of „The BC“. The next day Dr. Mamphela who works for Biko in his clinic, comes to Woods office to speak to him, about this article. She is very angry, because she thinks, that Woods has printed rubbish about Biko and that he is uninformed about the ideas that Biko has. So she invents him to meet Biko in his banning area.
chapter 2 and 3: Some days later Woods meets Steven Biko in an old church were he wants to make a centre for black people. First he is critical against Biko, but then he listens to Biko´s opinion and they mentally changed the roles. Biko also goes with Woods to the clinic, which Biko has built. The clinic is only for black people, with black workers and a black doctor. But Woods already think that black and whits should work together, but he also understands, that the blacks wants something that they put up themselves. At the end Biko invites Woods to come and see how black people in South Africa really live.chapter 4 and 5: In the black township, they eat with a black family. Biko, the family and are discussing about the system, the history how the white came to South Africa and how the black people got their bad situation which they have now. After this visit Woods change his mind, because he sees for the first time how worse the black has to live, how big their despair is but also how strong their togetherness stay. At the end of this day Biko and Woods become friends.
chapter 6: Six weeks later Woods gives Tenjy and Mapetla, two friends of Biko, a job in his newspaper. Mapetla takes Woods and Ken to a footballmatch of the black. Instead of the match Biko helds a speech. Ken and Woods were convinced by this speech and the ideas Biko represent. chapter 7: After the match Biko is caught by the police because an informer of the government had told the police about the speech. In the police office Biko gets hit by Captain De Wet. After the fight between Biko and De Wet two policemen throw Biko out of the office.Two weeks later Biko is a main witness for the defence of two student organizations who arranged two years before a large meeting in support of the new government in Mozambique. Woods prints the words of Biko although it is against the law.
chapter 8: In this night Captain De Wet and two other policemen smash all things of value in the church. Donald Woods cannot print this in his newspaper because the witness is a black man called Dilima and if Woods prints his name, Dilima would kill by the police. So Woods approach to Kruger, the Minister of Police, and speaks with him about the incident. The minister declares him that he will pursues that matter because he doesn´t want that such sort of things happen. Woods thinks that the police men aren't as worse as many blacks think, Woods unfortuantely trust him. chapter 9: But on sunday afternoon two policemen come and want to know the name of the witness from Woods. Woods explains them that he was by Kruger and he cannot say the name but the two answer that they have order from the top. Woods gets angry because Kruger had betrayed him. Because the two haven't a warrant Woods could send them away without saying the name. It does not happen anything for weeks and Woods thinks that it is alright. But it is not.
chapter 10: One night the two policemen check the passport of Woods black housekeeper Evalina. Woods throws them out of his property. The next day, the police take revenge: Three men jump out of a car and take Mapetla in it. Donald Woods thinks that Mapetla gets beaten by them and that they make an example so that no other black person will dare him. Two days later Tenjy gets arrested without any charges. After a week Mapetla is dead. The official explanation of the death from Mapetla is, that he hanged himself. But Biko and Woods cannot believe that, so Biko demands a inquest. Tenjy is the main witness at the inquest but the judge closes the inquest without fix the death of Mapetla on anybody.
chapter 11: Biko drives to Cape Town to speak in an